Whether you’re interested in buying a motorcycle for the adventure or the efficiency, there are a few things you should know before you begin the buying process. Our team at Dutchess Recreational Vehicles is here to help, so continue reading for a few helpful tips, then visit us in Poughkeepsie, NY, when you’re ready to see our selection.

1. Motorcycle Type

There are many different types of motorcycles on the market, so it's important to do your research and figure out which one is right for you. There are touring models,  sport bikes, cruisers, and more, each with a unique set of features geared toward certain riding styles. The type of motorcycle you choose should reflect how you intend to use the motorcycle!

For example, if you're only going to be using it for short trips around town, then you might not need all the features that a touring motorcycle would offer.

2. Choose How You’ll Buy

Once you've decided on the type of motorcycle you want, it's time to start shopping around. You can look at dealerships or private sellers, but make sure you're getting a good deal. Many people will choose to finance their purchase, so in those scenarios, you’ll need to save for a down payment and learn about your loan borrowing options. It’s important to create a buying process that works for you, so take some time to decide how you’ll complete the purchase. 

3. Research Your Options

Throughout the entire process, research will be essential. You’ll want to gather information about different motorcycle manufacturers, values, warranties, consumer opinions, and resources that will be useful to you even after the sale. It can be overwhelming to complete all the necessary research, but it is crucial to have the right information. Our team can answer any questions you have. 

With these tips in mind, buying a motorcycle can be a fun and exciting experience. We proudly serve the Peekskill, NY, area and Danbury, CT. Plus, we offer great financing options.