UTVs are an incredible tool for work and recreation. They’re commonly used for farming, hunting, scouting land, and on the trails. If you’re thinking about purchasing your own UTV, our team at Dutchess Recreational Vehicles would love to help! Keep reading to learn more about the many ways a side by side can be used. 

Hospitality Industry

One of the many places you can find a UTV is at a resort or hotel. They are commonly used by the groundskeeping crew and housekeeping teams to move materials and travel between buildings. They’re design allows the entire team to come along and still have room for the items you need. 

Property Surveys

Since UTVs are made to handle rough terrain, they’re commonly used to survey areas of land. They’re compact enough to navigate tight areas with thick growth and they can reach difficult areas quickly. Plus, they’re features are great for surveying! 


Farmers love UTVs because they’re quick, quiet, and durable. You can pile fencing supplies or livestock feed in the bed of the UTV and get your chores done quickly. 


Another great use for a UTV is hunting. You can find specific models that have been wrapped in camo for this exact reason! UTVs can get through heavily wooded areas without disturbing the wildlife too much. 

Trail Riding 

You can also find specific UTV models that are catered to recreation. Trail riding with a UTV is one of the most fun things to do! 

UTVs are incredible vehicles and we hope you’ll visit us in Poughkeepsie, NY, to browse our selection. We are proud to serve the Peekskill area.